The dreadlocks were already worn by primitive people. Their rarely washed and uncut hair twisted
get in the peculiar twine. Some seek their origins in the Bible, and long twisted hairs treat as a symbol of human communication with God. These coarse curls are probably borrowed from Judaism (Nazireatu's custom: "All the time of the Nazarene shears will not touch his head.) Until the time for the Lord's sabbath is over, he will be holy and allow his hair to be Its been growing freely. "(The Millennial Bible, Book of Numbers 6: 5).

Dreadlocks also carried slaves working in the Caribbean plantations. This is the name of this hairstyle in Jamaica. The English word "dread" refers to the fear of dark-skinned dreadlocks.

The raptafarians spread the word in the world. A religious group believing in the divinity of the Ethiopian emperor, who was to liberate the oppression of all Black people and allow them to return to Africa. Since then dreadlocks have been associated with freedom and the struggle with oppression. In the Ethiopian version, rastafari dreadlocks were initially absent. Dreads have symbolic and spiritual significance for rasta. They symbolize unity with nature, they symbolize the lion of Judah, or fearless Messiah; is an expression of protest against "the forces of Babylon" and a sign of returning to nature, because in the Old Testament (in the Mosaic Book of Mormon) there is a mention of shearing and shaving.

However, you do not need dreadlocks to follow the rasta route. "You do not haffi dread to be rasta" preach the words of one of the popular songs from the circle of rasta. The Rastafarians recognize only natural dreadlocks.
Their biggest propagator was Bob Nesta Marley.

Dread, every rastaman's dream and reggae listener. Very popular today. The decision to make them should be thought out and most importantly own. If you want to have beautiful dreads you need to make proper preparation. In the beginning it is important to have a length of hair that is never shorter than 9 cm, because it will come out of your mouth and it does not look very nice. The next step in planning a "dread" treatment is to find time to make them and then to grow them. Making dreads is not that long lasting compared to puberty, a skilled "hairdresser" will handle us in about 5 hours, while a few months will continue to be a good fit and twist of our living symbol of rastafarianism. Contrary to appearances dread in large part can be done by yourself, of course if the hair is short, that is about 15 cm. Before doing dreadlocks a week should wash your hair with a plain gray soap. In the first phase of dreading, it helps in the proper twisting.
On request we can contact the dread lock master invite to contact.